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To all of our guests and supporters, 


We are in the midst of final preparations for Classic Wines Auction events on March 5-7. As you might expect, we are very excited about this year’s events, and are looking forward to celebrating with you and raising critical funds for our nonprofit partners: Metropolitan Family Service, New Avenues for Youth, Friends of the Children-Portland, YWCA Clark County and Unity Center for Behavioral Health. While the arrangements this year have proven to be a bit more challenging than usual in terms of both time and resources, we are appreciative of the continued  support from our sponsors, donors, chefs, winemakers and guests.


This year also brings unanticipated concerns resulting from the Coronavirus, and for that reason, we would like to respond in advance to several questions that some guests may have regarding scheduling or attendance. 


We are actively monitoring all reports of the virus, and at this point do not believe the known facts and risks suggest that we alter the schedule for this week’s events. In coming to this decision, we have also noted that neither the Center for Disease Control nor any of the respective health agencies in Oregon have advised against attendance at general public gatherings, concerts, sports events, restaurants or the like. The Oregon Convention Center is also monitoring the virus and are placing hand sanitizer stands throughout the venue and at all entrances. Their staff have been directed to disinfect all hard surfaces and maintain an elevated level of cleanliness. 


We encourage all to use best practices associated with a typical flu or cold from frequent hand washing to covering your mouth when you sneeze. Rather than sharing a warm handshake or hug, it might be time to perfect that elbow bump or air hug. And if you are not feeling well, please stay home and rest.


These are challenging times, but now more than ever, we need to celebrate the power of collective impact—the change that occurs when a group mobilizes for a common cause. We look forward to seeing you this week and “working wonders” with you in support of children and families in our community.


Thank you,


Heather Martin, Executive Director

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